Apr 30, 2020

New Paints Have Arrived!

My initial complement of paints from the Army Painter Starter Set was just that, a good start. Unless I couldn't get into the hobby, the 10 bottles wouldn't be enough. 

After doing some research on which colors to expand to, I found the Reaper triads system. It's a simple 3-color scheme of their paints that are meant to be a base, shade, and highlight for each other. 

Their paints come in dropper bottles, so that's a plus. And they are roughly the same price as Army Painter bottles, just a little bit extra. Free shipping at $40 from their site, and it includes a free mini as a bonus!

Here is what I ordered:

09011 Leaf Green                     
This and Pale Green were obvious choices for all of the green skinned enemies in the core set. Also, Greensleeves comes to mind.

09012 Pale Green           

09028 Muddy Brown       

A nice dark shade for leather brown, and a equivalent of the popular Rhinox Hide (one of The Brush Wizard's favorites). There are so many shades of brown, I'm sure this will be the first of many additions to that color. Immediate Uses: Ork leather, Kanga hair/skin. Greensleeves leather. 

09049 Ancient Bronze     

Not a true triad, but bronze, silver, and gold are the three primary metallic colors. Having read poor reviews of the Army Painter metallic range, I thought I'd try what Reaper had to offer.
Immediate Uses: Hyldir hammers (possibly)

09051 New Gold             

See above. Update: Used gold for Greensleeves accents and I wasn't super impressed. Should have done more research as these appear on par with AP metallics.
Immediate Uses: Greensleeves accents 

09077 Marine Teal          

A dark teal would have been nice when painting Maya's cape, but I ended up making a decent mix. Still a nice add to my collection, as I'm sure I'll find use for it.
Immediate Uses: Scarlet's cape

09087 Weathered Stone 

I have Matt Black and Matt White, this seems like a pretty close middle. Not that it's hard to mix, just, ya know, triads.
Immediate Uses: Kanga's spear

09117 Cyan Blue             

A highlight for the Ultramarine Blue I have.
Immediate Uses: Grom's headband, Seth's jacket.

09218 Lava Orange        

Reading about the poor coverage of AP's oranges (and reds and yellows), this was another logical brand switch. Also, not that orange is hard to mix myself, but it is nice to have.
Immediate Uses: Diva's armor, Zazu's robe

09402 Heraldic Red        

A dark red shade. See above about AP reds. 
Immediate Uses: Diva's armor, Scarlet's hair.
Further ahead: lots of Inferno monsters. 

09435 Skeleton Bone     

Whites are known for drying chalky. Using an off-white helps alleviate that. 
Immediate Uses: Bowstrings and Diva's cape.
Further Ahead: Skeletons in Beyond the Grave.

09483 Twilight Purple     

I really like this rich purple. Another color with many, many shades, so I predict more in my future. But for now this is a good starting point.
Immediate Uses: None, would have been nice for Wisp.
Further Ahead: Inferno Demon Lord's cape 

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